Update 7/17/2024: We've installed Denny Haskew's "White Deer of Autumn" at Gurley Hall on the UNM-Gallup campus. 'White Deer of Autumn' looks at home at UNM-Gallup, Denny's trademark patina against the rich adobe walls and clear New Mexico blue sky is just dynamic. Our team truly enjoyed working with everyone throughout this NMarts acquisition for the State of New Mexico's permanent collection. We hope the students and staff are enjoying the new sculpture on their campus.
“I was experimenting with planes in the design of my sculptures when I created White Deer of Autumn. The layers of her headdress and clothing are abstract lines that complement the woman's quiet yet seeing spirituality. At the time, I was looking for the truth, and I remember a woman in an E.S. Curtis photograph who stood silently, hidden in the forest, listening." I chose the title from a book called 'Wisdom Keepers' by Steve Wall and Harvey Arden (1990 Beyond Words Publishing, Inc., Hillsboro, OR). The collection of stories and poems by Native American spiritual elders include the following quote by a person named White Deer of Autumn: ". . . that all things are interrelated and an equal part of the whole; that we are like drops of rain which will one day return to the ocean; that we are like candles lit by the fire of the sun, forever a part of it.' Another poem from the book that inspired me is Consciousness by Chief Oren Lyons, shown above..." -DH Special thanks to Corry with Better Built Construction Services in San Rafael, for pouring the footing and assisting with the installation, and to the UNM-Gallup Faculty and Staff for all their great input helping to make this a successful placement for everyone involved. White Deer of Autumn is a bronze sculpture finished in the artist's signature patina that Denny developed making the figure appear to have been carved from stone. A standing cloaked female figure appears to be facing into the wind as a portion of the cloth on her right side pulls away in a soft curve front to back. Strong planes make up the cloth that the figure is enrobed in. Her stance and expression provide the viewer with a sense of strength and resolve.
About the Artist: Denny Haskew currently resides in Loveland, Colorado where he's been actively engaged in the art industry as a sculptor for over 35 years, specializing in figurative monuments.
As a Charter Member of the artist-driven organization the National Sculptors’ Guild, Haskew has designed and placed more than 50 monumental public sculpture placements with the NSG design team since 1992. Major collections include the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of the American Indian, DC; Gilcrease Museum, OK; Briscoe Western Art Museum, TX; the cities of Cerritos, CA; Little Rock, AR and Edmond, OK; plus, multiple placements for the Shakopee Mdewakanton Dakota Sioux Community, MN, and the Barona Band of Mission Indians, CA. "The strength of my work ascends from the spirit of the people portrayed- Native Americans, Mayans, friends, children, people of the Great Plains and West. This same spirit connects each of us with the harmony of nature and one's relationship to another." -DH
Update 6/3/2024: It took all of the month of May to install the 8+ tons of stone pavers for Inspiration Plaza. It looks terrific. Can you see the bow-tie?? Our inspiration came from a special human who has transformed the River Front Park, #IYKYK The columns will be engraved next, followed by the installation of the sculptures the end of June. We look forward to sharing those images! Update 4/17/2024: The National Sculptors’ Guild is on-site to oversee the installation of several elements for “Inspiration Plaza” a multifaceted art placement and public space designed by John Kinkade for Riverfront Park in Little Rock, Arkansas. It’s exciting to see over a years’ worth of work come together. And that’s a wrap for now… 8.5 tons of basalt from Coverall Stone Inc. is in place. Next up will be 8 tons of pavers from Tribble Stone followed by engraving and another crane date to place the bronze and stainless steel sculptures by Denny Haskew and Mark Leichliter. We can’t wait! Deep thanks to Jackie Collins & the Little Rock Parks and Rec team! “Inspiration Plaza” Designed by John Kinkade, Art Elements by Denny Haskew and Mark Leichliter, Site Development by the Little Rock Parks & Recreation, commissioned through the Sculpture at the River Market, special thanks to Colorado Waterjet Company, Art Castings of Colorado, Shippers' Supply Custom Pack, Landstar, Coverall Stone, and Tribble Stone Company Update 3/28/24: It may not look like much yet, but this is where public art starts, the foundation is where art meets site and becomes a beacon to gather. You can already see the design coming together. The stainless-steel braces, electrical conduit and concrete footing/pad are in and things are starting to taking shape in Little Rock. We're planning our trip to install the columns after this has properly cured! #GettingCloser Update 10/18/2023: We’ve loaded up this morning and have #SculptureOnTheMove to #LittleRock AR. This truck has 5 sculptures, 2 bases, and a bunch of stainless steel structures for installation and footings. But wait, there’s more; we’ll have another two truck loads lined up for one of these projects. Special thanks to Denny Haskew, Mark Leichliter, Art Castings of Colorado, and Shippers' Supply Custom Pack for help with creating, packing and loading; and Landstar Trucking for getting our artwork to its new home where Sculpture at the River Market will receive it and Little Rock Parks & Recreation will help us install. #SculptureIsATeamSport
Earlier this year, the High Plains Arts Council selected sculptures to donate to the City of Loveland's Public Art program. HPAC hosts the annual "Sculpture in the Park" show, using proceeds help fund sculpture additions, landscaping and other improvements for the Benson Sculpture Garden. They will be celebrating the 40th Sculpture in the Park Show and Sale this August. Among this year's contribution is NSG Fellow, Denny Haskew's 'Strength of the Maker'.
“'Strength of the Maker' right from its title to the strength shown even in the toes is a statement of how I view my very inner belief. Nature and all things natural have always been of the utmost importance to me all my life. Believing in a God, the Great Spirit, Buddha, Mohammed, the Mysterious One, and other beings of greatness is important. I feel they all exude the same message: a life of oneness, love, honesty, and a source of emotional strength. 'Strength of the Maker' is my visual version of how I see my Maker.” -Denny Haskew Denny Haskew, a member of the Potawatomi Citizen Nation, is known for creating art that reflects Native American and Southwestern culture. His work has been described as intensely personal and honest, reflecting recurring themes of spirit, love, forgiveness, healing, endurance, and strength. Recalling visiting the inaugural Sculpture in the Park Show and Sale in 1984, Denny shares, “My mom knew that I was messing around with wood carving and stuff, and so I came, and I saw sculpture for the first time with that show,” he said. “It was a lightbulb going off in your head. This is what I should do, and I stayed. I never went back.” Undeterred by his lack of formal training, Haskew dedicated a year to apprenticeship. His determination paid off when he entered five pieces in the next Sculpture in the Park Show and Sale, using the earnings to expand his portfolio further. As a charter member of the National Sculptors' Guild, an artist driven organization and specialists in public art placements, Denny has successfully installed 50 monumental sculptures facilitated by the Guild since 1992. Denny has gone on to win numerous awards for his sculptures, 'Strength of the Maker' is among his most successful compositions, winner of 5 'Best of Show' Awards; other prominent placements of the edition include: National Museum of the American Indian - Smithsonian Institution in DC; the Gilcrease Museum, OK; the Barona Band of Mission Indians, CA; and the Wolf Creek Indian Village & Museum, Bastian, VA; Briscoe Western Art Museum, San Antonio, TX; District Courthouse, Flagstaff, AZ; City of Grand Junction, CO; Canyon City, CO; and private collections throughout the US. The installation of his final casting of “Strength of the Maker” in Benson Sculpture Garden honors the roots of a successful art career, and a life of oneness, love, honesty, and emotional strength. ![]() The National Sculptors' Guild installed Charter Member, Denny Haskew's bronze sculpture 'Committed' at the Josephine B. Jones Park and Open Space in Greeley, Colorado this morning. The sculpture was donated to the site by NSG Director, John Kinkade, in honor of his parents, Jack and Ditto Kinkade, long-time, beloved residents of Greeley who frequently donated their time and services to the community. Kinkade was instrumental in the creation of the park 30+years ago in the name of close family friend Josephine Jones, a true pioneer of the region who enriched the community in cultural events, historic preservation, and as an avid proponent of natural spaces; many of the trees in the open space were planted as saplings by Jones. The 11-ft tall bronze is enhanced with gold leaf on the sash. We've mounted the sculpture to a 1-ft tall sandstone base that is inscribed: "Given to the City of Greeley in honor of his parents, Dorothy (Ditto) Waldo Kinkade and John (Jack) Henry Kinkade, Jr. by John Waldo Kinkade - 2023" The site is ideal for this sculpture, a beautiful xeriscape expanse of land (~36 acres) stretching from Jones' former home (now used by the Greeley Forestry Department) to the edge of Highway 34. The family's deep connection to Jones and the natural space feels like the right placement to honor all involved and we appreciate the assistance from the city to make this happen. (Special thanks to DC Crane, Tribble Stone and Kim Snyder and Will Dillon from the City of Greeley for assisting on-site this morning). #SculptureIsATeamSport ![]() The artist developed a love for all things natural as well as a religious respect for all beings on earth from his relationship with his father and Potawatomi grandmother. Committed started as a traditional crucifix without Native American context. The crucifixion pose emphasized the importance to follow a spiritual path and be committed to it. We are all free to choose and once committed to a path with our Creator we begin to see inner truth. "I give to you all that I am. My faith in Spirit is unchanging. Eyes closed I can only see love." -DH Literally, the bronze is a depiction of a member of the Dog Soldier Society, sometimes called a "Sash Wearer." This man was known among his tribal members as a fierce warrior and courageous leader. When confronted by an enemy, the Dog Soldier would stake the end of the sash to the ground with his spear, thus telling the enemy he must fight to the death at this spot or leave. Other times the Dog Soldier may stake himself out as his tribal members advanced into battle so as to say "I am here, if you retreat past me, you will sacrifice me for I will fight to the death at this spot." His double eagle-tail bonnet blows out behind him creating a circle, the circle of life for all living beings. The city will be adding a QR code to the site that will lead visitors of the site to learn about the sculpture. ![]() ABOUT THE ARTIST: Denny Haskew currently resides in Loveland, Colorado where he is actively engaged in the art industry as a sculptor. He received his degree from the University of Utah, then served two years in the United States Army during the Vietnam War. Having spent numerous years as a guide and ski instructor, Denny has learned to love the rivers and mountains of the western states of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, and Utah. After moving to Loveland, a hub of successful working sculptors, he wasted no time in getting monumental sculpture experience through working with renowned sculptors in the area. Since 1987, Denny has created and placed dozens of monumental compositions; spanning the full spectrum of the figurative genre. As a member of the Potawatomi Citizen Nation, it is only natural for his artwork to follow the Native American culture. His art has not been limited to Native American and southwestern subjects, however, as he frequently explores abstract forms placing emphasis on the qualities of the metal and stone used. As a Charter member of the National Sculptors' Guild and being close to other sculptors and the Loveland area foundries has helped him to master all the foundry processes involved in producing a desirable and lasting monumental bronze sculpture. Over 50 major public placements include the Smithsonian Institution, DC.; the Gilcrease Museum, OK; Cerritos, CA; Little Rock, AR; the Shakopee Mdewakanton Dakota Sioux collection, MN, and the Barona Band of Mission Indians, CA. His outlook on life and sculpture largely stems from his Irish/Potawatomi heritage. He states "....the strength of my artwork ascends from the spirit of the people portrayed - Native Americans, Mayans, friends, children, people of the Great Plains and West. This same spirit connects each of us with the harmony of nature and one's relationship to another." Concern with composition and fascination with the human form lead him to portray bodies in unusual, sometimes nearly contorted positions. Dramatically individualistic facial features combine with carefully composed body positions to reveal souls filled with emotion, scarred and given character by the circumstances of living, but never beaten by life. Haskew’s artwork conveys his innermost being. It is intensely personal and honest. His themes are recurring: Spirit, Love, Forgiveness, Healing, Relationship, Endurance, the Sacredness of the Human Spirit, and the Strength in each of us, the Power of all that is Natural. Update 9/22/2023: The City of Loveland has accepted the Guild's proposed donation from the Council of Catholic Women and a site has been selected. 'Trail of Forgiveness' by Denny Haskew will be placed in Spring 2024. The site is at the city's Police & Courts Building at 810 E. 10th Street. The Visual Arts Commission has expressed their gratitude for this generous donation to Loveland’s public art collection. The sculpture is meant to be open to interpretation by the viewer with the hope that it will convey a loving and spiritual message meaningful to all. "Grandmother’s sunrise prayer, as solid of a soul as can be found. See your road better now closed eyes and all. Know that all your enemies were really only teachers for you. We walk together now on this path called Forgiveness. We each have a trail of forgiveness to follow and this sculpture reminds me of mine." -DH
Update 11/4/2023: Two of the pieces we recently shipped are in their new home in Little Rock, AR. Buck with Calves and Elephant Column by African artist Robert Kwechette. The stone carvings join other sculptures in the Vogel-Schwartz Sculpture Garden. (You can see our placement of Wayne Salge’s Cecil in the background) Special thanks to @littlerockparksandrec for installing. #SculptureIsATeamSport Update 10/18/2023: We’ve loaded up this morning and have #SculptureOnTheMove to #LittleRock AR. This truck has 5 sculptures, 2 bases, and a bunch of stainless steel structures for installation and footings. The City of Little Rock will be graced with four more sculptures soon. The Sculpture at the River Market board of directors have selected the below artworks for their growing public art collection. We have loved working with Little Rock for the last 2 decades placing diverse work in style and subject, and look forward to seeing these in place.
![]() The City of Cerritos, California has selected Denny Haskew's "Moulding Our Future" to add to their public art collection. The bronze sculpture captures a simple moment between mother and child. A moment all may identify with, as a parent looking onward in strength and resolve that all their efforts will go toward making their child's life as good possible. As the child, excitedly taking in every new bit of the world uninhibited by the worries mom may have, protected in her embrace.
Denny Haskew's Strength of the Maker has been installed in the City of Cerritos Sculpture Garden. Additional landscaping will enhance the bronze sculpture placement. But it already looks like a good home in our minds. Special thanks to Advanced Aquatics and Capital Crane for the wonderful installation work, and to Shipper's Supply for getting the artwork there safely. Click here to see a video of the installation.
Winner of 5 Best of Show Awards; ”Strength of the Maker, right from its title…to the strength shown even in the toes, is a statement on how I view my very inner belief.” -DH Only one casting remains in the limited edition of 21. Click here to purchase. Other prominent placements of the edition include: National Museum of the American Indian - Smithsonian Institution in DC; the Gilcrease Museum, OK; the Barona Band of Mission Indians, CA; and the Wolf Creek Indian Village & Museum, Bastian, VA; Briscoe Western Art Museum, San Antonio, TX; District Courthouse, Flagstaff, AZ; City of Grand Junction, CO; Canyon City, CO; and major private collections throughout the US. The National Sculptors’ Guild installed 18 public art placements in 2020, truly a triumph for the challenges we all faced in the year. We are excited to have several new projects set to install in 2021 that we will be sharing in the near future. Our 2020 public art placements are... (click titles to learn more) My Heart is in Your Hands, Jane DeDecker, Downey, CA Homeward/Monarch, Joe Norman, Downey, CA Mock Orange, Michael Warrick, Whittier, CA Time, Carol Gold, Bend, OR Between the Lines, Jane DeDecker, Loveland, CO Leaps and Bounds, Daniel Glanz, Brighton, CO Sweet Dreams & Grassland Trio, Daniel Glanz, Brighton, CO Mockingbird Tree, Michael Warrick, Southlake, TX On a Roll, Jack Hill, Downey, CA From a Different Perspective, Jane DeDecker, Downey, CA Infinite Dance, Carol Gold, Downey, CA Tree of Life, Clay Enoch, Downey, CA Burro Trio, Jane DeDecker, Southlake, TX Bamboo, Tim Cotterill (The Frogman), Joplin, MO Keeping the Ball Rolling, Jane DeDecker, Edmond, OK On a Roll, Jack Hill, Edmond, OK Rev. Pond, Denny Haskew, Shakopee, MN Tried and True, Gary Alsum, Edmond, OK We've now placed 530 public art monuments since 1992! Special thanks to all the people that helped make these placements happen, from fabrication to transport and installation, everyone pulled together in a time we had to stay apart.
#SculptureIsATeamSport #PublicArt #California #Texas #Missouri #Oklahoma #Minnesota #Oregon #Colorado #InstaArt #InstaGood #InstaLove #NSG #NationalSculptorsGuild #ArtistDriven #ClientMinded ![]() Installed early this morning in Minnesota, “Rev. Pond” by NSG Charter member Denny Haskew for their new historic trail in Shakopee. We are always honored to work with Shakopee, Minnesota. We've had the great fortune of placing important artwork with the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community since 2004. This sculpture is part of the city’s latest endeavor, a cultural corridor emphasizing shared history of Native people and early settlers. NSG Public Art Placement 529... Thanks @high five erectors for the great crane work! Art Castings of Colorado for another beautiful bronze, and the City of Shakopee, Minnesota for the commissioned placement. #NationalSculptorsGuild #NSG #DennyHaskew #ShakopeeMn #SculptureIsATeamSport #PublicArt #MinnesotaRiver #HistoricTrail #RevPond #Shakopee 8/22/2020: The sculpture has been cast in bronze and awaits a safe time to ship and install. ![]() 1/10/2019: We are always honored to work with Shakopee, Minnesota. We've had the great fortune of placing important artwork with the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community since 2004. The next sculpture that the National Sculptors' Guild will be a part of is a portrait of Rev. Samuel William Pond by NSG Fellow Denny Haskew to be placed on a new historic trail drawing visitors to ancient sites along the Minnesota River that the city is developing. Shakopee envisions a cultural corridor emphasizing shared history of Native people and early settlers. Though Native people had been present in the area for millennia, Chief Sakpe II’s village was first observed by settlers in the 1820s. Drawn to the springs nearby, Europeans settled in the Dakota village called Tinta-otonwe. In the 1840s Rev. Samuel Pond arrived to do missionary work among the Dakota. He compiled the first dictionary of the Dakota language. Update 2/3/2020: The metal has been poured at Art Castings of Colorado, it will next be pieced back together, metal chased and onto patina. Update 9/15/2019: The clay enlargement has been sculpted by Denny in his studio and approved by the city. Next it will be molded, then casting into bronze at Art Castings of Colorado. Update 1/10/2019: Denny has started working through the composition in a clay sketch and will begin sculpting the enlargement this Winter/Spring.
Update 12/6/2018: The Legacy Project is our 500th Public Art Placement! More elements and finish work has been going in since placing the sculpture. We anticipate a great celebration once the plaza of The Foundry opens to the public. ![]() Update 11/20/2018: We were downtown completing the installation this afternoon. The bronze is in! "Reaching Our Goal" by Denny Haskew and the National Sculptors' Guild is the final element to go in of The Rotary Club of Thompson Valley's Legacy Project at The Foundry The Legacy Project is the National Sculptors’ Guild’s 500th Public Art Placement! We are so excited to be celebrating this moment in Loveland, Colorado where we've been headquartered since 1992. We have donated our portion of the project back to the placement to give back to the community that has supported us through the years. #FullCircle #ReachingOurGoal ![]() Update 11/16/2018: Today was a huge step in the installation of The Legacy Project. Over 68,000 lbs of Dakota sandstone was craned into the site and set by Denny Haskew and the National Sculptors' Guild. Next week the final stone and bronze element will be placed. The Rotary Club of Thompson Valley's "Legacy Project" will activate the plaza of The Foundry, a new development that is transforming Loveland's historic downtown. The installation includes "Reaching Our Goal" bronze sculpture by National Sculptors' Guild Charter Member Denny Haskew ![]() Update 11/14/2018: Our 500th Public Art Placement is going in this week! Stay tuned to our social media posts for updates. We're so excited that we're celebrating this moment in Loveland, CO where we've been headquartered since 1992. #FullCircle Pictured to the left is the top stone being drilled at Art Castings of Colorado where the bronze was cast. The bronze is cast and ready for patina. The other stone monoliths are being loaded to deliver to the site. The installation will take a couple of days of craning in 34 tons of stone. The bronze is scheduled to go in next Tuesday to finish it off. #ReachingOurGoal ![]() Update 10/15/2018: The metal has been poured, time to put the pieces back together. Pictured is artist Denny Haskew at Art Castings of Colorado where the bronze is being cast. #ReachingOurGoal ![]() Update 8/23/18: Appropriately so, the National Sculptors' Guild anticipates this placement, which we are contributing our share to, to be our 500th public art monumental placement. What better place for such a milestone than in our backyard. We are happy to share this pivotal moment with Lovelanders: Denny Haskew - NSG Charter Member The Rotary Club of Thompson Valley The Foundry - downtown Loveland's newest development Art Castings of Colorado - Foundry, since 1972 And all the other talented artists and subcontractors who make our creations come to life for the public to enjoy. #ReachingOurGoal
![]() Update 6/5/18: It may not look like much yet, but we have over 60,000 pounds of stone going into this art placement. Many of the sandstone monoliths will be etched with information about the successes of the Rotary Club of Thompson Valley. This image shows laying out templates in preparation of sandblasting the narrative into one of the stones. ![]() 5/15/2018: Columbine Gallery and the National Sculptors' Guild are pleased to team up with the Rotary Club of Thompson Valley on their "Legacy Project" in Loveland, Colorado. The Legacy Project celebrates the 30th Anniversary (2019) of the Rotary Club of Thompson Valley. The larger-than-life bronze sculpture depicts a woman helping a teenage boy surmount a stone precipice tying into the Rotary motto, "Service Above Self". Part of this service has been the club's support of Polio Plus, a major contributor to the eradication of Polio world-wide. "Reaching Our Goal" by NSG Fellow Denny Haskew will be placed in the plaza of The Foundry, a new development that is transforming Loveland's historic downtown, set to open Fall 2018. The art placement will coincide with the opening. The National Sculptors' Guild designed additional stone elements to activate the plaza and provide area's of recognition to donors and the club's efforts. We have contributed $50,000 plus design work to the project, our way of giving back to community for all the support we've received over the past 26 years. Haskew is a renowned figurative artist and a Charter Member of the National Sculptors' Guild. His work is in numerous prestigious collections including the Smithsonian Institution, DC; the Gilcrease Museum, OK; and the Boulder and Colorado Springs campuses of the University of Colorado. Denny Haskew currently resides in Loveland, Colorado where he is actively engaged in the art industry as a sculptor. He received his degree from the University of Utah, then served two years in the United States Army during the Vietnam War. Having spent numerous years as a guide and ski instructor, Denny has learned to love the rivers and mountains of the western states of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, and Utah. After moving to Loveland, a hub of successful working sculptors, he wasted no time in getting monumental sculpture experience through working with renowned sculptors including Fritz White and Kent Ullberg. Since 1987, Denny has created and placed dozens of monumental compositions; spanning the spectrum of the figurative genre.
![]() Nearly 200 years later, Chief Sakpe is in Shakopee once again. The city of Shakopee and the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community unveiled a statue of the chief in downtown Shakopee on Tuesday. “We are honored to share this history with our neighbors,” Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community Chairman Charles R. Vig said. “Together we’ve been able to accomplish so much more than we could alone.” The statue was originally commissioned by the tribe to be displayed at Mystic Lake Hotel Casino. The relief was on one side whereas the full statue of Chief Sakpe and his horse was on the other. The sculpture "I Once Rode Free" was made by Denny Haskew and the National Sculptors' Guild, a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community provided a grant for Haskew to restore and install the statue. -view full SW News story by Maggie Stanwood
5/9/18: Installation day. "Silver and Gold" by Denny Haskew and the National Sculptors' Guild has found it's new home on the deck of CU-Boulder's new Admissions Building, with the most exquisite backdrop of the flat-irons. A true Colorado scene. ![]() 4/4/18: The bronze is complete and stainless steel substructure is attached, extensively engineered for a tricky installation on the rooftop patio. Special thanks to Art Castings of Colorado foundry for another beautiful job. National Sculptors' Guild will install the bronze buffalo "Silver and Gold" by Denny Haskew in Boulder at CU's new Admissions Building next month. Order a maquette and keep a piece of CU in your home. click here 12/20/17: Above are images of the casting at Art Castings of Colorado, that are metal chased back together and prepped for patina, then will install in Boulder at the new CU Administration Building next Spring. ![]() 8/23/17: The clay has been approved and the buffalo is heading to Art Castings of Colorado to be cast in bronze. National Sculptors' Guild will install the bronze buffalo "Silver and Gold" by Denny Haskew in Boulder at CU's new Admissions Building Spring 2018. Order a maquette and keep a piece of CU in your home. click here
![]() Be on the lookout for more buffalo at CU. We've been commissioned to enlarge Denny Haskew's On Prairie's Edge for the Boulder campus. More images will be posted as the sculpture is finished and installed later this Fall. The National Sculptors' Guild is pleased to have 3 of our designs selected as the finalists for the 2017 Public Monument installation for a site at the historic Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Kathleen Caricof's ENLIGHTENMENT, Clay Enoch's UNITED, and Denny Haskew's STRENGTH TO ENDURE. The winner will be announced at the Sculpture at the River Market show on Sunday at 3pm. If you are in Little Rock, please stop by the show to meet the artists and see some phenomenal sculpture from around the country. It's a great opportunity to take a piece home. We have been fortunate to have worked with this great city since 2004 and have placed over 100 public art pieces in Little Rock, with 6 more monuments in the works for 2016 placements. pictured here for a recent article is Denny Haskew/NSG's "Native Knowledge" National Sculptors' Guild's sculpture placements continue to enhance the community of Little Rock, AR and have received notice in some recent media articles. Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette article Dec.14, 2015 We encourage you to go visit this culturally rich part of the country and meet the wonderful people we've come to know as friends.
Recent accolades and articles in Little Rock, Arkansas are bringing some of our proudest placements to light. The National Sculptors' Guild is proud to have contributed to this great community with art since 2004! If you haven't visited Little Rock, Go!pictured NSG placements are Jane DeDecker's Patty Cake placed at River Front Park #419, and Denny Haskew's Renewal Ritual placed in 2015 in the Vogel Schwartz Sculpture Garden that NSG/JK Design's John Kinkade helped design in 2008 .
Arkansas Business Article Dec. 14, 2015 National Sculptors' Guild charter member Denny Haskew recently completed a bronze depiction of the Mdewakanton Dakota Shield when asked by the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community to create the tribal shield for display in their beautiful new hotel... JW Marriott Minneapolis Mall of America. We are honored to be a small part of this impressive new space.
Inside the medicine wheel on the Mdewakanton Dakota Shield is a pipe, or canupa, which stands for prayer between man and a higher power. When the tribes gathered, the pipe was smoked in thanks for everyone being together. The buffalo skull, a religious symbol, is part of the altar during the sun dance. The arrow and ax are symbols of bravery. The tipi stands for the meeting tipi for the Dakota tribes. The seven feathers stand for the seven council fires, which make up the Dakota Nation.
Here is NSG fellow Denny Haskew's recent installation of "Strength of the Maker" in Owensboro, Ky. Their program leases artwork for 2 years so that they may raise funds to purchase them for the permanent collection. Denny is pictured with one of our favorite new patrons. Thanks for all you do for the arts Ann! Art appreciators are our favorite kind of people! #PublicArt #kentucky
JK Design/NSGJK Designs’ Principal, John Kinkade, founded the National Sculptors’ Guild in 1992 with a handful of sculptors who wished to find thoughtful public applications for their work. Representation has since grown to over 20 contracted sculptors and painters; plus an extended network of 200+ artists that our design team works with on a regular basis to meet each project's unique needs. click here for a list of our over 500 large-scale placements. Archives
August 2024